whale in half air
The issue is that same waters are being shared between the offshore wind developments and the presence of critically endangered right whales raises procedures that are trying to keep the in the same waters off the coast for their coexistence. Due to the creation of Vineyard Winds Projects and others being in the process, the question are being raised on the respective effects to these whales.

According to Eve’s Zuckoff, CAI’s reporting expert, these four factors were among the main issues in the interaction between the offshore wind turbine and whales. Ship traffic, the danger of being entangled in marine garbage, possible changes to whales’ feeding patterns and exposure to noise during construction are some of the operations that pose a challenge for these creatures. On the other hand, the reports suggest the concerns are true but the scientists are yet to identify specific cases of human fatalities due to offshore wind activities.

Fake news about the negative impacts of offshore wind and right whales are spreading widely, and they are mostly created by regional groups and this misinformation is sometimes pushed at a higher rolling by the opponents of green energy. Nevertheless, scientists stressou the graver threat that climate change causes by changing the toilets of whales and increasing the risks of an entanglement and crashes.

Although some criticism is leveled by scientists over the risks of offshore wind farms, they understand the world is going to keep changing and accepting the contribution it can have in the mitigation of climate change. Developers have employed technologies aimed to reduce harm to the right whales, from the noise and schedule of the construction adjusted so that it can be carried out during the non-peak migration seasons. On-going research financing and conformity to the well- specified standards are a significant assurance of the safety of marine mammals as well as wind turbines.

In a nutshell, right whales’ future in the waters next to offshore windfarms is accelerated by the application of successful mitigation measures along with ongoing discussions between scientists, developers and regulators. Proper protocols around offshore wind have the twin pillars of coexistence between the whale species and mitigation of climate changing agents.

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